How to Evaluate Recruiters As a Tech Candidate: What Separates Good vs. Bad?

Jacky Beaudoin
4 min readNov 12, 2023


A guide for tech job seekers on vetting and choosing the right recruiters to work with based on their responsiveness, qualifications, network, and placement track record.

As a tech professional looking for a new job, you’ll likely encounter many recruiters reaching out with potential opportunities. However, not all recruiters are created equal. It’s important to vet the recruiters you work with to identify the ones most skilled at helping tech professionals like yourself land the ideal new role.

This guide will provide tips for tech job seekers on vetting and choosing the right recruiters based on their responsiveness, qualifications, network, and placement track record. Working with a highly capable recruiter can significantly increase your chances of finding your dream tech job.

Responsiveness Matters

When initially connecting with a new recruiter, pay close attention to how quickly they respond to your messages and requests. According to a survey by MRI Network, 79% of job seekers say responsiveness is one of the most important attributes they look for in a recruiter.

Experienced recruiters know that moving fast is crucial in today’s competitive hiring landscape. They’ll aim to get back to you within a business day at most. Recruiters who take 3+ days to return an email or don’t provide timely updates on your applications likely have too large of a candidate load to focus properly on any single job seekers’ needs.

According to a survey by MRI Network, 79% of job seekers say responsiveness is one of the most important attributes they look for in a recruiter.

It’s a red flag if a recruiter ghosts you or appears disconnected throughout the process. You want someone who is actively engaged and communicates efficiently. A study by Bullhorn found that recruiters who responded to candidates within 5 minutes had a 60% higher placement rate compared to those who took 2 hours or more.

Qualifications & Industry Knowledge

Look for recruiters with extensive experience specializing in your field, such as software engineering, cybersecurity or data science. Generalist recruiters who don’t have deep technical expertise may struggle to understand your background and find the most relevant roles.

According to LinkedIn’s 2020 Global Talent Trends report, 67% of candidates say industry expertise is one of the top attributes they screen for. Leading recruiters maintain current industry knowledge by regularly attending tech conferences, reading blogs in their domain, and networking within the community.

They keep up to date on the latest trends, company growth, and open role requirements that fit different profiles. A seasoned recruiter can provide key insights on which skills are in high demand within your specialty.

Recruiters who take 3+ days to return an email or don’t provide timely updates on your applications likely have too large of a candidate load to focus properly on any single job seekers’ needs.

Network & Connections

The most successful recruiters have spent years cultivating strong relationships with hiring managers across many organizations. They know the best companies to target based on your background and can quickly introduce you to hiring contacts.

Evaluate how long recruiters have worked in tech recruiting, on average they work with over 100+ hiring managers. Ask recruiters to provide 2–3 references of recently placed candidates you can speak to about their experience and network.

According to data from Top Echelon, recruiters with an extensive network have an average placement rate of 68% compared to just 32% for those with limited connections. Having recruiters who are deeply plugged into your industry’s job market gives you an advantage.

Placement Results

Data on prior placements is very telling of a recruiter’s capabilities. Look for statistics recruiters share publicly on their website or profiles pages like LinkedIn. Here are some important numbers to consider:

A study by Bullhorn found that recruiters who responded to candidates within 5 minutes had a 60% higher placement rate compared to those who took 2 hours or more.

  • - Placement rate — Percentage of candidates landed jobs out of total submissions. 70%+ shows strong success assisting job seekers. The top 25% of recruiters have a placement rate of 85% or higher.
  • - Time to placement — Average number of weeks it takes recruiters to place candidates. Under 8 weeks is preferable for a competitive market. Top performers average 5–6 week placement times.
  • - Job role/level diversity — Sign recruiters have experience across many different tech roles from entry to senior levels. Variety in placements indicates flexibility.
  • - Company diversity — Recruiters with placements at a mix of startups, scaleups and large corporations have more options. Look for a diverse client base.

Using these evaluative criteria can help tech candidates filter out lackluster recruiters and find an ally with a proven track record of connecting people with great job fits and opportunities. Taking the time upfront to vet recruiters increases the chances of landing your next ideal role efficiently.



Jacky Beaudoin

I'm an inveterate note-taker and journalist who's passionate about the profound impact of technology in our ever-changing world.