5 Strategies for Personalized Candidate Relationship Management at Scale

Jacky Beaudoin
5 min readNov 12, 2023


This blog provides ideas for how recruiters can implement a CRM strategy even with high volumes, such as automating communication and personalizing at key touchpoints.

As any experienced recruiter knows, effective talent acquisition requires managing large volumes of job applicants and candidates. While an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is crucial for organizing all that data, truly exceptional candidate experiences depend on personalization — and that can seem impossible at scale.

However, recruiters don’t have to sacrifice personalization just because they’re working with hundreds or thousands of applicants. With the right strategies, it is absolutely possible to implement meaningful Candidate Relationship Management(CRM) even amid high volumes.

1. Automate routine communication

Much of the daily communication with candidates, such as acknowledgment emails, is generic and repetitive. Rather than having recruiters send these individually, automate as much as possible through your ATS or CRM.

According to research by Software Advice, 65% of talent acquisition leaders say automating administrative tasks is their top priority. Basic correspondences like application receipts and screening decisions can easily be standardized. Set up templates for common communications that the system can personalize with the candidate’s name and send automatically based on application status. This frees up recruiter time while still providing a personalized touchpoint.

# 5 Strategies for Personalized Candidate Relationship Management at Scale As any experienced recruiter knows, effective talent acquisition requires managing large volumes of job applicants and candidates.

For example, leading ATS Greenhouse allows admins to create email templates with merge fields that pull data directly from the platform. These can be triggered automatically when a candidate hits a certain stage.

2. Send targeted communication at key stages

While generic correspondence can be automated, save personal outreach for high-impact moments in the process. Have recruiters reach out personally during transition points like:

  • After an initial phone screen to provide feedback
  • When moving a candidate to the next step
  • If a candidate is no longer moving forward
  • When first extending an offer

According to a survey by MRINetwork, 92% of candidates say communication during the hiring process reflects how the company overall values people. Customized messages at these touchpoints maintain real human connection despite volume.

SmartRecruiters recommends checking in at least once a week via phone or email to build rapport with candidates moving forward. Don’t leave them hanging after interviews.

## 1.

3. Leverage applicant survey/feedback data

Collect consistent feedback from all candidates about their experience through post-application surveys. CRM platforms like SurveyMonkey integrate directly with ATS to send surveys automatically.

Analyze survey response themes to surface popular pain points or praise. According to data from Capterra, 75% of applicants say a positive or negative experience would change their mind about a company.

Recruiters can then address recurring issues systematically, such as clarifying a confusing process step. They may also highlight what aspects candidates find most helpful to double down in personalized outreach.

4. Proactively follow up on passive candidates

While active job seekers will keep applying, don’t overlook candidates who previously expressed interest but haven’t re-engaged recently. Run queries in your CRM to surface passive candidates based on factors like:

According to research by Software Advice, 65% of talent acquisition leaders say automating administrative tasks is their top priority.

  • Time since last application
  • Positive feedback provided before
  • Skills that remain in high demand

According to data from LinkedIn, passive candidates make up 70% of the workforce. Proactively reconnect via phone or email to check-in and introduce new potential opportunities. Bring back valuable talent already in your pipeline.

XOR recommends checking in with past applicants at least once a quarter to strengthen your bench of prospects.

5. Express appreciation and retain top performers

Even with the busiest talent pools, make room to acknowledge high-potential candidates. When a candidate you want to retain is moving forward in the process or accepts an offer, take time to pen a personalized note of thanks and enthusiasm for their potential future contributions.

The Society for Human Resource Management found 58% of new hires feel their employer appreciates them. Go above and beyond standard offer letters to show candidates they are valued.

## 2.

Similarly, don’t lose touch with new hires. Follow up periodically during their first months to address any transition issues early. Strong onboarding sets the stage for long-term retention and evangelism.

Gallup data shows only 12% of employees say their organization does a great job with onboarding. Ongoing CRM prevents top talent from slipping away.

In conclusion, personalized CRM absolutely can scale alongside large applicant volumes. With the right blend of automation, targeted human outreach, data-driven insights and strategic follow-up — recruiters can foster quality experiences for every candidate. A little personalized effort goes a long way towards building a pipeline of top talent.



Jacky Beaudoin

I'm an inveterate note-taker and journalist who's passionate about the profound impact of technology in our ever-changing world.